Use Visualization to Raise Your Level of Performance!
Posted by Linda LeClaire | Posted in Tips for Peak Performance | Posted on Apr 24, 2009
Have you noticed how much more grandparents are involved in the activities of their precious grandchildren? Thanks to his baseball playing grandfather, little Alex pictured above is introduced to a wonderful sport before he can even sit up! Grandparents (and parents) all over the world are enjoying sharing their expertise with their grandchildren. If you are one of them, be sure to teach them to use confidence from the beginning of their introduction to sports and other activities. Look for tips on how to do this in my new book, The Confidence Factor.
Todays Peak Performance Training Tip:
Just for today, keep your thougths focused on what you want to achieve. Cast aside any thoughts that are fearful or about what you don’t want! For instance, if you are a baseball player wanting to increase your batting average, think only about hitting the ball. Replay images of yourself up to bat, feel yourself hitting the ball, see the ball land where you want it to, and finish with seeing yourself running like the wind making it safely to base. Be sure to feel the smile of satisfaction on your face!
Remember: What you visualize, you can realize!
For more on using visualization to increase your performance go to our Products page for information on all our visualization CDs.