Your Pathway to Higher Performance

Legendary Basketball Coach Bobby Cremins says "Linda LeClaire and Dr. Bryce Young are the best Sport Psychology Team I have worked with in my coaching career. They created a complete Mental Toughness Training Program for our College of Charleston Basketball team. This program definitely made a difference in our season! I recommend them highly!"

Use Your Eyes to Raise Your Performance!

Posted by Linda LeClaire | Posted in Tips for Peak Performance | Posted on Mar 05, 2009

Your eyes do make a difference!
"I'm ready! Give me your best pitch!"
“I’m ready! Give me your best pitch!”
Let me tell you the story of this young hitter. His name is Jacob. He is two years old. His dad and his grandfather are baseball coaches. In fact, his grandfather is a Hall of Fame Baseball Coach. You could say little Jacob is around baseball players more than the average two year old. He loves baseball. After games, he is the first one out on the field to run the  bases. If there is a bat any where near him, he will pick it up and start swinging. He has probably broken more lamps and knick knacks at two years than most people do in a life time! He just can’t help himself. He loves to swing that bat. Notice his stance. Pretty good, wouldn’t you say!
Now, notice his eyes. He has already learned that his eyes are an important part  of hitting a baseball. How has he learned this at such a young age? Observation. Yes, he observes the athletes around him as he follows his dad and grandfather around on the field. He has picked up naturally the most important key to high level performance.
You can too! Observe great athletes in action. Their eyes exude confidence. They are totally focused in on the action they are performing. Your eyes do make a difference. You easily know when an athlete is tuned in or out by how he or she is using her eyes. Is he rolling his eyes? Are his eyes darting back and forth? Are his eyes focused and strong? Your eyes can change your energy from scattered or stuck energy to energy that is flowing freely and in balance.
Do it yourself. Experiment with using your eyes in different ways. Notice how your energy shifts with the focus coming from your eyes. You have complete control over your eyes. So take advantage of this powerful tool and use your eyes in competition to raise your performance!
For more information on how your eyes help you to raise your performance in any area of life, go to our Products page to get your copy of our newest book, The Confidence Factor. I have a feeling we are going to see much more of little Jacob on the baseball field!

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